Learn to Code

Learn to Code

Age Group: 8 - 14 Yrs

4 Courses | 60 Videos | 9 Practicals | 1 Project

Ready to take your design skills to the next level, and truly master the web.

Only Rs. 1000

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Course Syllabus

  • Getting Started with Code Org
    1. what is code org
    2. Interface of Code org
  • Learning to program
    1. Learning to program with Maze
    2. Repeating the commands with ease
    3. Correcting the incorrect codes
    4. Using the Loops
  • Understanding the events
    1. Understanding the events
  • Creating Games
    1. Drawing with the Blocks
    2. Exploring the Play lab
  • Scratch Introduction
    1. Introduction to scratch
  • Getting Started with Scratch
    1. Joining Scratch Account
    2. Interface of Scratch
  • Creation of Project
    1. Project Creation
    2. Creating a Scratch Project
    3. Moving the Sprite
  • Sound Tab Options
    1. Sound Command
    2. Sound Effects
  • Puzzle Game Creation
    1. Creating A Puzzle Game-I
    2. Creating A Puzzle Game-II
    3. Creating A Puzzle Game-III
  • Sharing Options
    1. Sharing the Project
  • Drawing Polygons and Circle
    1. Introduction Logo basic commands
    2. How to draw two lines with an angle
    3. How to draw a square
    4. How to draw a triangle
    5. Penup Command
    6. PenDown Command
    7. Penerase and pennormal command
    8. Hidenturtle and showturtle comman
    9. Repeat Command
    10. Draw a circle of different radii
    11. How to draw an arc
    12. How to save logo picture
  • PenColors and PenSizes
    1. SetPen Size Command
    2. To change Pen Size using Menu
    3. SETPEN COLOR Command
    4. Change Color of the Pen using Menu
    5. SETFLOOD COLOR Command
    6. To Set border Color for Closed Figr
    7. SETSCREEN COLOR Command
  • Text Commands
    1. Make and Show Command
    2. Make and Show commands
    3. Print Command
    4. Label Command
    5. Type Command
  • Introduction to cyber safety
    1. What is Cyber Safety
  • Cyber Bullying
    1. What is Cyber Bullying
    2. Fighting Cyber Bullying
  • Digital Footprints
    1. What is Digital Foorprints
    2. Sharing Behaviour And Security
  • Various Threats & Attacks
    1. Spoofing Attacks
    2. Phising Attacks
    3. Lottery Emails and Scams
    4. Free Downloads
    5. Secure Wifi and Connection
  • Interesting Videos you will Love
    1. Internet Safety
    2. Be Safe while Sharing Online
    3. Internet Safety Tips & Tricks
    4. Be Cybersmart

Hands on Practicals Which Students Will Learn & Do

Bouncing Bat

Create a Bouncing Bat with Dancing Background in Scratch. 1. Login to your Scratch Account. 2. Add a Bat Sprite. 3. Write Scripts to make bat move and bounce. 4. Write script to color the background. 5. Run and Save the Program

Cat with mouse pointer

Create a Cat that moves with Mouse Pointer 1. add a flying cat 2. Add forever and moving conditions 3. add Point towards mouse pointer command 4. Download and Save the file

Drawing a polygon

To draw a polygon we can use REPEAT command instead of writing same set of commands repeatedly. Write command REPEAT with its 2 parameters : number of times to be repeated i.e. 5 and set command to be repeated i.e. FD 50 RT 70 Hide the turtle using HT command to view the image clearly.Take a Screenshot and Upload on your Practical Window

Drawing Patterns

This practical aims at drawing patterns in logo using different pen color, using SETPENCOLOR and SETPENSIZE command. Setting pen color and size of pen. Resetting the angel of turtle. Taking a Screenshot and Uploading in your Practical Window of whizjuniors.

Drawing slat line

This practical aims at drawing slant line using RT command. Moving steps forward using FD command. Moving backwards to draw an horizontal intersection line Changing the angel. Moving forward to draw a middle horizontal line. Take a Screenshot and Uploading in your Practical Window of whizjuniors

Flying cat

Create a Flying Cat 1. Add flying cat sprite 2. Add a building sprite 3. Apply conditions like moving 4. Run and save the program


This practical aims to solving 20 Stages of Frozen in Hour Of Code


This practical aims to solving 14 Stages of Minecraft in Hour Of Code

Star Wars

This practical aims to solving 14 Stages of Starwars in Hour Of Code

Projects that student will develop

Create A Game

Task to do
Complete minecraft Hour Of Code - Code.org Create a Small Game with 1 to 2 Sprite - Scratch

Student will be able to do the following
Understand Minecraft Game Logic Use Scratch to Create Small Games.