School Performance Report

Ryan International- Kharghar

Navi mumbai


12345 Students


12345 Teachers

Top Performers

Best Learner

Shreshth Daga SmithStd. 4th, Mumbai

25 | 75 | 10

Shreshth Daga SmithStd. 4th, Mumbai

25 | 75 | 10

Shreshth Daga SmithStd. 4th, Mumbai

25 | 75 | 10

Most Active

Shreshth Daga SmithStd. 4th, Mumbai

No. of times logged in: 100

Shreshth Daga SmithStd. 4th, Mumbai

No. of times logged in: 50

Shreshth Daga SmithStd. 4th, Mumbai

No. of times logged in: 20

Most Certified

Shreshth Daga SmithStd. 4th, Mumbai

10 certified

Shreshth Daga SmithStd. 4th, Mumbai

10 certified

Shreshth Daga SmithStd. 4th, Mumbai

1 certified

Best Player

Shreshth Daga SmithStd. 4th, Mumbai

45000 Coins

Shreshth Daga SmithStd. 4th, Mumbai

25000 Coins

Shreshth Daga SmithStd. 4th, Mumbai

10000 Coins

Best Competitor

Shreshth Daga SmithStd. 4th, Mumbai


Shreshth Daga SmithStd. 4th, Mumbai


Shreshth Daga SmithStd. 4th, Mumbai



Top Courses learned

Course Total Students Quizzes Solved Practical Submissions Certification Completed Accuracy
Microsoft PoerPoint 1000 525 200 350


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Activity Feed

Shreshth Daga has completed Microsoft Poerpoint Certification

Ashok Daga has completed Microsoft Poerpoint Certification